hello hi who are you? Tammy the best. The best? The best of course. You're very pretty.
Thanks handsome. What did we just get done doing? Oh my god some hardcore it's
amazing. How many times have we fucked now? Three times? Four. Three for my site and once for
Groovy. How long you been doing porno? I went to see two years now. A year and a half. How do you like it? I like it. It's fun, exciting. Supposed to be shooting with you. How old are you? I am 26. Be honest. Just kidding I'm 30. Are you really? Yes. You look fantastic.
Where are you born and raised? Los Angeles California. And where do you live now?
Christian, with every girl you love, with every one you gently tease on your interviews, with each time you let us in to watch the love you share with them, you bring these tender, soft, warm and loving ladies closer to us. Thank you!!